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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Т. Tebegenov

Doctor of Philology, professor 

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

S. Asilbekuli

PhD student


The article analyzes the artistic features of lyrical and ethical works in the poetry of the outstanding poet, laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhumeken Nazhimedenov. The poet's poetry is dominated by civil-Patriotic lyric poetry, psychological and philosophical integrity of the sung questions: the native land of the great Steppe, the sacred homeland, the continuity of generations, respect for ancestors, etc. At the same time, the author analyzes the poetic and aesthetic semantic features of artistic images in lyrical poems about nature in the poet's poetry (personification, metaphor, epithet, comparison, symbol, allegory, psychological parallelism, etc.). the Lyrical and psychological nature of civil dedications to things and phenomena in nature is determined by text analysis. We also analyzed critical motives expressed by images of irony and sarcasm in the poet's poems, which assessed gaps and shortcomings in the system of relations in the domestic and social environment.

Differentiated features of the historical-philosophical, aesthetic-poetic artistic solution of the poem in the epic poetry of the poet in the generalization and reflection of the reality of life with artistic reality. The research is highlighted in the context of a new consideration of the text analysis of the poetic features of works in the poet's poetry.

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How to Cite

Тебегенов , Т. and Асылбекұлы , С. 2021. ARTISTIC CHARACTER OF ZHUMEKEN NAZHIMEDENOV’S POETRY. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 4(74) (Jun. 2021), 327–334. DOI: