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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University

G. Abdirasilova

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University

М. Berkutbayeva

Master student 


The basis of word culture is the language norm. Speech culture is " the degree of reproduction, maturation of language techniques. In addition, he has not only kindness, literacy, but also the skills of accurate and correct application of language techniques, phonetic, spelling, orthoepic, morphological, syntactic, stylistic phenomena,-said M. Balakaev. Therefore, the scientist insists that it is necessary to correctly use words (lexical), correctly compose. Improving the speech culture of the Kazakh language is one of the requirements of national interest. A large sphere of culture of the Kazakh language is the culture of speech, the main regularity of its rise to a higher level is the norm of correct pronunciation. The role of writing and speech culture in the formation of the Kazakh literary language and its relationship to the problems of systematization of spelling rules is studied comprehensively in Kazakh linguistics. Language culture is developed on the basis of recognition of speech culture as national interests, formation of social attitude to speech culture, evaluation of speech culture as the main support of social Sciences and national culture, promotion of speech culture along with the culture of the nation.

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