The article deals with linguodidactic tests, the main purpose of which when teaching languages is to determine the formation of linguistic communicative competence. The authors consider linguodidactic testing as an area of language teaching methods, and on the other hand, tests are classified as pedagogical (subject, didactic) testing as part of a general testology, which also includes psychological, professional and other tests.
The choice of the form of test tasks depends on the goals of testing and objects of control. The objects of control when teaching a second language are foreign-language speech activities: speaking, listening, reading, writing - and its components - speech skills, skills, knowledge. The main objects of control are speech skills, since only they testify to the ability to participate in communication. At the same time, an important role in mastering the second language is played by language skills (pronunciation, lexical, grammatical), on the formation of which speech activity is based. Thus, language skills are also subject to control. They may be subject to ongoing monitoring. In this case, the progress of the learning process is monitored. Language skills included in the communicative context may be the subject of final control. In this case, the learning outcome is monitored.