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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
M.O. Auezov Instituty of LitArt.

A Khamraev

doctor of of Science, Professor


The article is devoted to the study of the philosophical views of the famous Turkic writer of the 13th early 14th centuries. Rabguzi. The unification of different religions and multilingual communities into a single state of Altyn Horde under the leadership of the descendants of Genghis Khan led to the establishment of monotheistic views. In accordance with social requirements, Rabguzi introduces different peoples to the main categories of the great monotheistic religion. Having studied all the previous stories on the Koranic motives, Rabguzi combined and developed well-known religious stories about the creation of the earth. Human nature is one of the most important problems of ancient religions. According to religions, Adam was always trying to find a natural meaning for his life. He hoped to understand how and why he was given life. In Rabguzi's work, the riddle of human nature is given a strict answer from the point of view of religion, and therefore its scientific value is high.

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How to Cite

Хамраев , Ә. 2021. RABGUZI AND MYTHICAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN ANCIENT KAZAKH LITERATURE. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 3, 3(73) (Jun. 2021), 300–305. DOI: