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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project under the program "Sacred spaces in the modern culture of Kazakhstan: traditions and innovations". Writer, literary scholar and screenwriter. Daryn Youth State Prize Laureate in Literature.

А. Kemelbayeva

National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Writer, literary scholar and screenwriter Daryn Youth State Prize Laureate in Literature, Nur-Sultan,  Kazakhstan


Within the framework of the state programme of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "Look into the future: modernization of public consciousness" the project "Spiritual Shrines of Kazakhstan" ("Sacred Geography") was created, which included a solid list of the most revered monuments of natural heritage. Within the framework of the project cultural-historical research of nationwide sacred objects is regularly conducted. In addition, it includes the studies of ethnology, religious aspects, worldviews, traditions and spiritual values ​​of the Kazakh people.

For a long time various nations had a strong belief in the vital force of amulets and talismans which in their opinion help to achieve their personal noble goals. Many of them are used for everyday household needs. After all, the world consists not only of material goods. The hearts of people are deeply worried about spiritual values.

In Kazakh poetry sacred objects are praised greatly and clearly. They go back to the national worldview. They are recognized as protection from evil spirits and help to human happiness.

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