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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

O. Imangali

PhD student 


One of the talented writers who made an invaluable contribution to the development and development of modern Kazakh fiction is Sherkhan Murtaza. In the literary heritage of the writer, a special place in literature is occupied by stories of small genres, in which he described the tragic fate of the past and present people with his pen.

More than a quarter of a century has passed since our country gained independence and received wide recognition. Serving the truth of the life experienced up to this time by the nation in order to turn it into an artistic reality is the main task of the writer. Because the noblest ideal of a writer is the interests of the people [1,14]. With this in mind, Sherkhan Murtaza's stories written after the dawn of independence, problems and disappointments in the life of the Kazakh people, individuality and prerogatives are expressed realistically, with obvious sarcasm, with a mysterious and attractive accent.

The article analyzes the writer's story " Тауекел той " based on the theory of literature. Through the analysis of the plot and compositional structure of the narrative, the ideological content of the work is deeply analyzed. Defines the relationship of the author's idea in the work with the reality of life. To determine the concept (worldview) of the writer, embedded in the narrative, a study of the artistic world of the work, the significance of events and imagery, language and style of the work.

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How to Cite

Иманғали , Ө. 2021. POETICS OF SHERKHAN MURTAZA’S STORY "ТАУЕКЕЛ ТОЙ". BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 4(74) (Jun. 2021), 232–237. DOI: