The systematization, justification and summing up of the cumulative processes of neologisms in the mental vocabulary of a linguistic personality under the conditions of modernization of national identity is a necessity in accordance with the modern requirement of the development of science.This will make a certain contribution to the implementation of priority areas of the language policy of Kazakhstan and will contribute to the improvement and standardization of the Kazakh language infrastructure, significantly affect the formation of a “prestigious image of a native speaker of the state language” and increase the demand for the Kazakh language in the context of introducing a new Kazakh alphabet based on the Latin graphics. And also the study of the cumulation of lexical innovations in the mental vocabulary is, of course, especially relevant for modern Turkic languages with a similar linguistic history of development.This has specific motives, in particular in studies where the language is considered in a cognitive aspect, neologisms are analyzed as a result of the creative work of human consciousness.A review of some work on the study of neologisms in the cognitive aspect proves the relevance and need for the study of new words in the modern new paradigm.
The article analyzes scientific criteria proving the relevance and necessity of studying the cumulation of new words in the mental vocabulary of a linguistic personality.