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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
KazakhNationalpedagogicaluniversitynamedafterAbay, Almaty,Kazakhstan

G. Kossymova

Doctor of Philology, Professor  Kazakh National pedagogical university named after Abay, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

KazakhNationalpedagogicaluniversitynamedafterAbay, Almaty,Kazakhstan

Z. Buribayeva

РһD student, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai,  Almaty, Kazakhstan.


The article is devoted to the disclosure of the concept of "purpose category" in the Kazakh linguistics. First, the definition was given to the purpose category and the features of its use in various fields were outlined. Research and positions of domestic and foreign scientists are guided by on this issue. The analysis of the purpose category emphasizes the importance of the “addressee factor”. In addition, the methods used in the implementation of the purpose category have been discussed in the article. The analysis of types of speech act has been carried out. The features of this category and its place in the discourse have been revealed.In modern linguistics, discourse as a study occupies a significant place. The ideas of globalization directly generate some discourses, which often remains beyond the attention of researchers, therefore, leads to a decrease in the heuristic possibilities of discourse analysis, which implies not only direct study of the texts, but also consideration of the factors of their generation.Many of the terms used in linguistics, pragma linguistics, psycholinguistics, social linguistics and lingo cultural studies are ambiguous.These include concepts such as discourse. Many studies are intended to uncover the essence of discourse. There are many uses for the discourse and its explanations, but today the concept of “discourse” is becoming very popular, but still requires research.

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How to Cite

Қосымова, Г. and Бурибаева, Ж. 2021. APPROACH TO THE PURPOSE CATEGORY IN KAZAKH LINGUISTICS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 112–117. DOI: