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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
KazakhNationalpedagogicaluniversitynamedafterAbay, Almaty,Kazakhstan

S. Zhirenov

associated professor KazNPU of Abay, Candidate of Philology, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


The article analyzes the linguistic features of ornithologisms in Kazakh tales from a linguistic and cognitive point of view. The role of ornithologisms in the Kazakh culture is studied through the text of fairy tales, and also reflects the characteristics of the bird world in the worldview of the ethnic group. An integral part of ethnic culture are fairy tales. The texts of these tales represent a linguistic unity that reflects the characteristics of the national mentality and its cognitive features. Fairy-tale texts describe the linguistic nature of the ancient genre, which reflects the worldview, ethical traditions and lifestyle, customs and psychology of the whole nation. Tales with ornithological features are given linguistic characteristics, and their cognitive value is considered in the linguistic aspect. The article discusses the role of birds from ancient times in the life of the Kazakh people and their interaction with nature. A large number of text materials based on the linguistic materials of Kazakh fairy tales are analyzed in detail.

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How to Cite

Жиренов, С. 2021. LANGUAGE AND COGNITIVE NATURE OF ORNITOLOGISM IN KAZAKH TALES. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 84–90. DOI: