Kazakh-Polish literary ties are a unique phenomenon formed through historical, cultural and social
interactions between the two countries. This article analyzes the main stages of these relations,
starting from the period of Polish emigration to Kazakhstan in the 19th century and ending with
modern forms of cooperation. The research includes an analysis of translations, joint literary projects,
and topics covered in the works of authors from both countries. Special attention is paid to the role
of translation as a mediator of cultural dialogue, as well as the influence of historical events on literary
narratives. The work is based on textual analysis, comparative methodology and archival data. The
author notes that Kazakh-Polish literary relations are a significant phenomenon that demonstrates the
exchange of cultures, their mutual enrichment and historical ambiguity. Historical events such as
deportations and migrations played a key role in establishing these ties, and translations and
contemporary literary initiatives continue to contribute to their strengthening at the present time. The
conclusions of the article emphasize the importance of such ties for strengthening mutual
understanding and cultural exchange.
Kazakh-Polish literary relations: a study of mutual influence and cultural exchange
Published December 2024
How to Cite
Д., Г. 2024. Kazakh-Polish literary relations: a study of mutual influence and cultural exchange. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 90 (Dec. 2024), 46–52. DOI:https://doi.org/10.51889/2959-5657.2024.90.4.007.