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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

G Zhylkybay

candidate of philology, associate professor

Military-Historical Museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

E Abdukamalova

candidate of philological sciences


Possessing stable theories developed in connection with the problems of other parts of speech, postpositions are one of the most important and urgent problems for Kazakh linguistics, and in Turkology. To study the history of Turkic languages, especially such languages as Kazakh, which belongs to the group of Kipchak languages, it is important to conduct research based on the materials of historical and comparative grammar, written monuments of outdated Kipchak languages in writing a specific historical grammar of each language. Currently, the conjunctions are little studied in the Kazakh language. Written monuments of the middle ages, including written heritage in the Kipchak language that came down with the Armenian script, occupy a special place in the study of the history of the formation and development of word combinations. The relevance of the topic of the article lies in the determination of the features of conjunctions on the materials of such historical records.

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How to Cite

Жылқыбай, Г. and Абдукамалова , Э. 2021. THE USE OF THE POSTPOSTIONS ON ARMENIAN WRITTEN MONUMENTS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 3, 3(73) (Jun. 2021), 58–65. DOI: