English phrasal verbs are one of the key and difficult parts in English learning. Since the traditional linguistics holds that English phrasal verb is an integral thing that cannot be analyzed, learners can only perform rote tasks of memorization which is time-consuming and inefficient. However, cognitive linguistics holds that the semantics of phrasal verbs and their constituents, verbs and particles, are both prescriptive and analytical. These dual attributes of phrasal verbs require researchers using the relevant theories of cognitive linguistics to analyze the semantics of phrasal verbs, so that learners can master phrasal verbs systematically and efficiently. The research deals with classifications of phrasal verbs into lexico-semantic groups and their further division intosubgroups. It is concluded that the adverbial element should be brought more into the limelight as shaping the semantic pattern of the phrasal construction and its functioning in speech.
How to Cite
Нурим, А. and Aldasheva, K. 2021. SEMANTIC PECULIARITIES OF PHRASAL VERBS IN ENGLISH. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 76 (Dec. 2021), 14–19. DOI:https://doi.org/10.51889/2021-2.1728-7804.02.