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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

А. Mаimakova

Candidate of Philology, Assoc Prof

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

B. Zhumagulova

Doctor of Philology, professor

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Т. Toktarova

Candidate of Philology, professor


The article considers the modern type of anthroponyms, which is actively used in the youth environment. In modern communication on the Internet, there are lexemes with the function of naming a person-nicknames used as nicknames. This work is devoted to the study of these language units. The names of chats of Russian-speaking Internet communication users served as the material for our research. The linguistic creativity of modern Internet users when creating nicknames expands the scope of well-known classifications, as a result of which the criteria for their selection are supplemented. The basis for the classification of nicknames in this work are: features of appearance and character; preferences, Hobbies, occupation; symbolism associated with a particular animal, etc.; mythologems; graphics; wordplay; situational. These criteria cannot limit the classification, which remains open and is constantly updated. The allocation data and the new criteria due to linguistic and creative activities of users in the field of Internet communication.

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How to Cite

Маймакова , А., Жумагулова , Б. and Токтарова , Т. 2021. INTERNET COMMUNICATION AS A SOURCE OF NICKNAMES. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 4(74) (Jun. 2021), 116–122. DOI: