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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

G. Kosymova

Doctor of Philology, professor

Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumileva

P. Balkhimbekova



The article is devoted to the linguocultural explaining of the concept "mentality". The object of research is the concept of "mentality", which is used in modern linguistics in two semantic aspects: first, when talking about ethnic or social conditioning of our mind and, secondly, when they try to justify the origins of the spiritual unity and integrity of the people. The mental symptoms of the national consciousness are objectified in language, and in this regard the following categories of cognitive semantics are in demand in the linguistics of language in their synergistic and cognitive understanding: the value and meaning, the inner form of nominative units of language, means of secondary and indirect derivative nomination, cultural connotations etc. The author's aim is to explain the concept of linguocultural mentality. The author concludes that the mentality can be described as a synergistic perception of the world through the prism of the interaction of the language, consciousness and culture; linguoculture is a way of expressing ethnic mentality as a special vision of the world in concrete chronotopic terms of artistic and creative life of a people.

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How to Cite

Косымова , Г. and Балхимбекова , П. 2021. LINGUOCULTURAL NATURE OF MENTALITY. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 4(74) (Jun. 2021), 102–107. DOI: .