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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
East Kazakhstan State University named of S.Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan,

M. Kartaeva

Candidate of Philology, associated professor, East Kazakhstan State University named of S.Amanzholov,Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

Kainar Academy

G. Muhametkalieva

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Kainar Academy

Kazakh national women's pedagogical University Almaty, Kazakhstan

G. Baltabayeva

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Kazakh national women's pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


The article is devoted to the first stage of studying Abay's biography. The article " the Life of Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbaeva" which first talks about the works and the biography of Abai. It tells about the publication of the first collection of Abay's poems, about the works of the authors of the collection. Alikhan Bokeikhanov, who first introduced the life and creative heritage of Abay to Russian readers, will introduce the epic "Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev". About valuable information in the creative life of Abay is told in the memoirs of Turagul Abayevich "About my father Abay". The authors prove that the creative life of Abay is a fundamental branch of Abay Studies.

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How to Cite

Картаева, М., Мухаметқалиева, Г. and Балтабаева, Г. 2021. THE INITIAL PERIOD OF RESEARCH OF ABAY’S BIOGRAPHY. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 425–430. DOI: