This article discusses the skill of Didahmet Ashimkhanuly in revealing the character of the characters in his performances. The author showed that D. Ashimkhanuly is one of the masters of the word, continuing the traditions in B. Maylina and the Russian writer I. A. Bunina.
One of the most important qualities and characteristics of Kazakh literature is its democracy. The works of Didahmet Ashimkhanuly are deeply psychological. The prose Didahmet Ashimkhanuly is a prose about the family, about relations between relatives: between mother and children, between brothers and sisters, between husband and wife, etc.
Thinking about the aul, the philosophy of human life and happiness are given in the story “Zher aңsagan Saryatan” You bring the highest universal ideas about family, duty, homeland and home from the work of the modern Kazakh writer Didakhmet Ashimkhanuly.