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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Abai Kazakh National University

А. Bokhanova

senior lecturer, PhD

Abai Kazakh National University

А. Nurbayeva

senior lecturer, PhD


The sphere of economy is one of the dynamic spheres of life. Social prosperity depends much on economic situation. And the level of deprivation plays here not the least role. Not accidentally as factual material there were chosen texts from newspapers on economic subject-matter of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author made an attempt to investigate the complex of language units: set expressions with the deprivative semantics in economic discourse. Besides, the attention was paid also to set expressions of contiguous semantics: non-possession, particular negation. Thus, material chosen for analysis is more vast from the semantic point of view than deprivative semantics. The collected material indicates that the formation of the above content blocks is carried out at the expense of a whole complex of significant linguistic means of different levels of the language system, from a combination of lexemes to complex syntactic wholes. Semantically, they are dominated by other semes. However, discursive components, in particular background knowledge, contextual conditions, allow them to participate in the transmission of the meaning of deprivation and, in general, to form the category of redundancy. It seems that this is what allows these linguistic units to structure practically all the content blocks used in newspaper economic discourse with varying degrees of frequency.

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How to Cite

Боханова , А. and Нурбаева , А. 2021. FUNCTIONING OF CONSTRUCTIONS WITH IMPLICITLY EXPRESSED DEPRIVAL SEMANTICS. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 4(74) (Jun. 2021), 43–48. DOI: