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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda state university

А. Abassilov

Candidate of Philology, acting associate prof


The article deals with the socio-linguistic concept of eminent writer, playwright and translator Kaltai Mukhamedzhanov in the field of state language status, its role as mother tongue, the normalization of the literary language, the purity of the language, language culture, language ecology, language policy. These problems are analyzed in the article dividing them into three areas. The first is the problem raised in the writer's dramatic works in the field of language purity and its ecology. The second is the writer's statements and concepts regarding the dramatic language of writers, the stage language, the scope of the actor's use of the language on stage, and the Director's responsibility for the language culture. The third is sociolinguistic concepts of a public figure regarding the role and significance of language in society, in the sphere of language policy, and in the development of language as a state language in the territory of our Republic.

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