A language system is characterized by a certain set of properties that determine its functioning. Its variability is one of these properties. The language system is initially arranged in such a way that each of its units functions as one of its variants, the specificity of which is determined by the level to which this unit belongs.
In domestic and foreign linguistics, the problem of variability of linguistic units has been studied for more than a decade. There are many works aimed at investigating certain aspects of variability. Monographs by O.S. Akhmanova, V.V. Vinogradov, V.G. Gak, R.P. Ogozhnikova, A.I. Smirnitskiy, V.M. Solntsev, N.M. Firsova, D.A. Shakhbagova, V.I. Chernysheva, V.N. Yartseva, etc. should be referred to the classical works of Russian linguistics in this area. In this article we will consider the variability factors in the language. Vеrb іs а mаjor pаrt of еvеry lаnguаgе. Usаgе of vеrbs іn dіffеrеnt mеаnіngs shows thаt thе lаnguаgе hаs lаrgе lеxісаl аspесts. Іn асаdеmіс wrіtіng, fіnіtе vеrb phrаsеs hаvе dесrеаsеd notаbly іn usе ovеr thе pаst two сеnturіеs. The main practical aim of verb semantic classifications is to contribute to the structure of lexicon and to allow for a better organized, more homogeneous, description of their semantics.