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BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences


Published June 2021
KazakhNationalpedagogicaluniversitynamedafterAbay, Almaty,Kazakhstan

G. Kossymova

Doctor of Philology, Professor  Kazakh National pedagogical university named after Abay, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

KazakhNationalpedagogicaluniversitynamedafterAbay, Almaty,Kazakhstan

K. Issahanova

РһD student, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


This article discusses the issues of the national spirit, national identity, national idea, patriotism, patriotism, which today raises the idea of ʻʻEternal Countryˮ. “Babalar sozi” is one of the works that has made a significant contribution to the development of Kazakh culture in the world of spiritual, intellectual and scientific processes. This multivolume series “Babalar sozi” contains all the examples of the very rich and multifaceted spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people, and has special educational value for future generations. The musical creativity of the Kazakh people is closely related to their life, the use of folk songs and poems in the education of the next generation. This made it possible to raise a person with a beautiful, rich spiritual culture.

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How to Cite

Қосымова, Г. and Исаханова, Қ. 2021. PEDAGOGICAL IDEAS (THOUGHTS) IN ʻʻBABALAR SOZI (WORDS OF THE ANCESTORS)ˮ. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences. 2, 2(72) (Jun. 2021), 96–101. DOI: