The article examines how the image of Kazakhstan is reflected in literature. The main attention is paid to the typology of foreign space, the system of images, as well as the peculiarities of the perception of time and natural elements of Kazakhstan. Through the analysis of literary texts, the development of the perception of Kazakhstan in the international arena is revealed. The works of Vyacheslav Kiktenko and Alexander Schmidt, which form the so-called "Kazakhstani text" in modern poetry, are analyzed. The poetics of the Kazakhstani text is manifested at the level of the author's axiology, cross-cutting motifs and images, as well as through chronotopes and mythologemes.
Kazakhstani text, literature of Kazakhstan, cultural text, dialogue of cultures, motives and images
How to Cite
Атембаева Г.А., Хавайдарова М.М., А.С. 2024. THE IMAGE OF KAZAKHSTAN IN FICTION. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Philological Sciences. 4, 90 (Dec. 2024), 34–40. DOI: